The ultimate leather tote handbag is here! Level up any outfit with this incredible handmade tote bag, in our classic Floater or Durango leather. Its spacious design gives you the liberty to carry all your essentials and still keep your keys and phone up close with its easy-access pocket. We included an optional matching leather sleeve to keep your Laptop safe from scratches! Each exclusive design is a perfect pair for your everyday looks, and those special nights out. Dare to wear premium leather, Durability and style are built right in.
With unique characteristics, Pull-Up leather is finished with a combination of waxes and oils so when the leather is stretched or pulled, the color becomes lighter in the pulled up areas. Hence, the name “pull-up” refers to this change in color that develops a rich patina or shine over time. Marks, scratches, and signs of wear should not be considered as a flaw and will not be considered for returns. At Vaja, we believe that these attributes and leather marks add character and uniqueness to the leather's inherent and natural beauty.
While it is possible to rub out some scratches with the natural oils on your finger or thumb, most marks and creases incurred during handling become a lasting part of the product. When rubbing out a mark, do it towards the opposite side of the scratch and you will notice the difference after a few seconds. Simple, natural and effective.