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    When is the new iPhone 8 Coming out - The iPhone 8 Release Date

    • 2 min read

    We all love our iPhones, better yet, we all love getting a new iPhone once it's released. Many are asking when is the new iPhone 8 coming out? Or, what's the iPhone 8 release date? While nobody but Apple will know when the new iPhone is released, we can't help but to be excited. From the iPhone 5 through the iPhone 7, we have been created some of the finest custom deluxe leather iPhone cases on the market. We have a huge following because we allow our leather iPhone cases to be customized. We too, are asking when the new iPhone will be released! Then, everyone will want a new leather iPhone 8 case from Vaja... that you can customize online!

    When is the new iphone 8 coming out

    Get an iPhone 8 Leather Case Customized to Your School Colors

    There are many organizations, schools, and other types of functions that are ordering iPhone leather cases from Vaja, customizing them for their company logo colors. We've had schools order the stylish leather cases where they can customize the colors online, to match your school logo or mascot! Our leather is made from the finest Argentina leather, making it a rugged leather case to protect your new beautiful iPhone. We're expeciting the new iPhone 8 to be released later this year, and we'll be ready. The last few iPhone releases has found us backed up with orders every time.

    We have iPhone leather cases that come with specific colors, we have some that you can customize, plus our leather cases collections such as the Black Collection and the Vintage Metallic Leather cases. If you're looking for a case plus a wallet, we have those too. If you're still using previous versions of the iPhone, and do not plan on upgrading to the iPhone 7 or iPhone 8 just yet... we have leather cases for most versions of the iPhone including the iPhone 6, iPhone 5, the iPhone SE and more. Check our cases online and get ready to see some of the finest leather phone cases... Everyone likes a Vaja Case, make it yours today!